freely available packages
The sgr package (ver. 1.3) is available on CRAN.
sgr is an R package developed for running fake data analysis according to the sample generation by replacement approach (SGR, Lombardi & Pastore, 2012). SGR is a data simulation procedure that allows to generate artificial samples of fake discrete/ordinal data. SGR can be used to quantify uncertainty in inferences based on possible fake data as well as to evaluate the implications of fake data for statistical results. For example, how sensitive are the results to possible fake data? Are the conclusions still valid under one or more scenarios of faking?
Download the sgr package: R package version 1.3 [
CRAN site].
Reference: Lombardi L. & Pastore M. (2014). sgr: A package for simulating conditional fake ordinal data.
The R Journal, 6(1), 164-177.
The DYFRAT package (ver. 1.0).
DYFRAT is a new methodology for modeling human rating evaluations from a fuzzy-set perspective (Calcagni' & Lombardi, 2014).
Download the DYFRAT package (ver. 1.0) [
DYFRAT webpage].
The EMOT package (ver. 1.0).
EMOT is a Matlab package implementing a new methodology for modeling computer-mouse trajectories in a data-driven perspective and allows researchers to analyse raw x-y trajectories in terms of dynamic and static components (Calcagni', Lombardi, & Sulpizio, 2017).
Download the EMOT package (ver. 1.0) [
EMOT webpage].
The NP-RMI R functions.
We developed a new nonparametric testing procedure based on the truncated Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for evaluating the race model inequality (RMI; Miller, 1982) in single participant's data. The procedure is implemented using a simple R function which only requires the base R package (R Core Team, 2018) to be installed.
Download the R functions at [
NP-RMI webpage].
research interests
My main research stream focuses on interrelated issues dealing with multivariate data analysis of discrete variables,
fake data analysis, and new MC-type approaches to evaluate statistical models. Papers on this topic are denoted with
I also like to study and propose new formal models of higher level cognition, such as decision strategies, induction, similarity evaluation, and classification.
My current interest is on semantic memory and semantic representations in natural languages. In particular, I am focused on problems that are related to how people categorize
and integrate semantic information as well as probabilistic cues in concept name retrieval tasks. I also try to compare results of my models with empirical data collected on healthy participants or
neuropsychological patients suffering from semantic memory disorders. Papers on this topic are denoted with
Finally, I work on the application of statistical models on psychological data. I am particularly interested in structural equation modeling and multivariate data analysis for discrete or categorical data.
The fields of application include: psychology of decision, psychology of perception, and organizational psychology. Papers on this topic are denoted with
copyright notice:
The documents distributed here have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
[P] Calcagni' A., Cao N., Rubaltelli E., & Lombardi L. (2022). A psychometric modeling approach to fuzzy rating data.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems. DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2022.01.008
(publisher web site)
[P] Calcagni' A. & Lombardi L. (2022).
Modeling random and non-random decision uncertainty in ratings data: A fuzzy beta model.
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 106, 145-173. DOI: 10.1007/s10182-021-00407-7
(publisher web site)
[A] Avanzi L., Perinelli E., Bressan M., Balducci C., Lombardi L., Fraccaroli F., & van Dick R. (2021). The mediational effect of social support between organizational
identification and employees' health: a three-wave study on the
social cure model.
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping. DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2020.1868443
(publisher web site)
[A] Valzolgher C., Verdelet G., Salemme R., Lombardi L., Gaveau V., Farne' A., & Pavani F. (2020). Reaching to sounds in virtual reality: A multisensory-motor approach to promote adaptation to altered auditory cues.
Neuropsychologia, 149, 107665.
(publisher web site)
[P/C] D'Alessandro M., Radev S., Voss A., & Lombardi L. (2020). A Bayesian brain model of adaptive behavior: an application to the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task.
PeerJ, 8:e10316, 1-32.
(publisher web site).
[P/C] D'Alessandro M., Gallitto G., Greco A., & Lombardi L. (2020). A Joint modelling approach to analyze risky decisions by means of diffusion tensor imaging and behavioural data.
Brain Sciences, 10(3), 138, 1-16. doi:10.3390/brainsci10030138
(publisher web site).
[C] Tagliabue C. F., Lombardi L., & V. Mazza (2020). Individuation of object parts in aging.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. doi: 10.3758/s13414-020-01996-2
(publisher web site)
[P/C] Calcagni' A., Lombardi L., D'Alessandro M., & Freuli F. (2019). A state space approach to dynamic modeling of mouse-tracking data.
Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02716
(publisher web site).
[P/C] D'Alessandro M. & Lombardi L. (2019). A Dynamic Framework for modelling set-shifting performances.
Behavior Sciences, 9, 79, 1-13. doi:10.3390/bs9070079
(publisher web site).
[P/C] Lombardi L., D'Alessandro M., & Colonius H. (2019). A nonparametric test for the race model inequality.
Behavior Research Methods, 51, 5, 2290-2301.
(publisher web site).
[P] Bressan M., Rosseel Y., & Lombardi L. (2018). The effect of faking on the correlation between two ordinal variables: some population and Monte Carlo results.
Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1876. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01876
(publisher web site).
[P] Calcagni' A., Lombardi L., Avanzi L., & Pascali E. (2017). Multiple mediation analysis for interval-valued data.
Statistical Papers, 1-23. Online first article.
(publisher web site).
[P/C] Calcagni' A., Lombardi L., & Sulpizio S. (2017). Analysing spatial data from mouse tracker methodology: An entropic approach.
Behavior Research Methods, 49, 2012-2030.
(publisher web site).
[P] Pastore M., Nucci M., Bobbio A., & Lombardi L. (2017). Empirical scenarios of fake data analysis: The Sample Generation by Replacement (SGR) approach.
Frontiers in Psychology, 8:482. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00482
(publisher web site).
[P] Lombardi L. & Pastore M. (2016). Robust evaluation of fit-indices to fake-good perturbation of ordinal data.
Quality & Quantity, 50, 2651-2675.
(publisher web site).
[P] Calcagni' A., Lombardi L., & Pascali E. (2016). A dimension reduction technique for two-mode non-convex fuzzy data.
Soft Computing, 20, 749-762.
(publisher web site).
[P] Lombardi L., Pastore M., Nucci M., & Bobbio A. (2015). SGR modeling of correlational effects in fake good self-report measures.
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 17, 1037-1055.
(publisher web site).
[C] Lombardi L., Bazzanella B., & Calcagni' A. (2014). A probabilistic model for integration of strong dependent cues in category identification.
TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 21, 407-419, DOI: 10.4473/TPM21.4.3
(publisher web site).
[C] Didino D., Lombardi L., & Vespignani F. (2014). Operand-order effect in multiplication and addition: the long-term effects of reorganization process and acquisition sequence.
Experimental Psychology, 61, 470-479. [DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000264]
(publisher web site).
[P/C] Calcagni' A. & Lombardi L. (2014). Dynamic Fuzzy Rating Tracker (DYFRAT): A novel methodology for modeling real-time dynamic cognitive processes in rating scales.
Applied Soft Computing, 24, 948-961.
(publisher web site).
[P] Lombardi L. & Pastore M. (2014). sgr: A package for simulating conditional fake ordinal data.
The R Journal, 6(1), 164-177.
[C] Pagano S., Lombardi L., & Mazza V. (2014). Brain dynamics of attention and working memory engagement in subitizing.
Brain Research, 1543, 244-252.
[P] Pastore M. & Lombardi L. (2014). The impact of faking on Cronbach's Alpha for dichotomous and ordered
rating scores.
Quality & Quantity, 48, 1191-1211,
(publisher web site).
[P] Calcagni' A., Lombardi L., & Pascali E. (2014). Non-convex fuzzy data and fuzzy statistics: A first descriptive approach to data analysis.
Soft Computing, 18, 1575-1588,
(publisher web site).
[P] Lombardi L., Pastore M., Nucci M., & Bobbio A. (2013). SGR modeling of fake ordinal data with correlational structures.
Proceedings, 15th Applied
Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2013), 589-596.
[P] Calgagni' A. & Lombardi L. (2013). A fuzzy regression model for non-convex fuzzy numbers: The crisp input fuzzy output case.
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Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2013), 203-210.
[C] Pagano S., Lombardi L. & Mazza V. (2013). An electrophysiological assessment of the involvement of
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Psychophysiology, 50, (Special Issue, Supplement 1, S62-S62).
[P] Lombardi L. & Pastore M. (2012). Sensitivity of fit indices to fake perturbation of ordinal data: A sample by replacement approach.
Multivariate Behavioral Research, 47, 519-546.
(publisher web site)
[A] Camperio Ciani A., Fontanesi L., Iemmola F., Giannella E., Ferron C., & Lombardi L. (2012).
Factors associated with higher fecundity in female maternal relatives of homosexual men.
The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9 , 2878-2887,
[P] Lombardi L., Ceulemans E., & Van Mechelen I. (2011). K-centroids hierarchical classes analysis.
Proceedings AMSDA 2011, pp. 850-857, ETS Ed.
[P] Pastore. M, & Lombardi L. (2011). On the sensitivity of Cronbach's alpha to fake data.
Proceedings AMSDA 2011, pp. 1080-1087, ETS Ed.
[C] Kemp C., Chang K-M. & Lombardi L. (2010). Category and feature identification.
Acta Psychologica, 133, 216-233.
[A] Palmieri A., Soraru' G., Lombardi L., D'Ascenzo C., Baggio L., Ermani M.,
Pegoraro E. & Angelini C (2010). Quality of life and motor impairment in ALS:
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Neurological Research, 32 , p. 32-40.
[P] Lombardi L., & Pastore. M (2009). A probabilistic approach for evaluating the sensitivity to fake data in structural equation modeling. L. Sakalauskas, C. Skiadas, E. K. Zavadskas (Eds.).
Applied stochastic models and data analysis 2009, selected papers, pp. 27-32, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius Gediminas University.
[C] Crupi V., Tentori K. & Lombardi L. (2009). Pseudodiagnosticity revisited.
Psychological Review, 116, 971-983.
[A] Palmieri A., Soraru' G., Lombardi L., D'Ascenzo C.,
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Angelini C. (2009). Validity of the Italian adaptation of ALSAQ-40 and ALSAQ-5.
Basic Applied Myology, 19 (5-6) , p. 217-223.
[C] Lombardi L. (2008). Strong dependence and relevant cues in name retrieval. In Arcuri L., Boscolo P., Peressotti F. (Eds).
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[A] Atzori M., Lombardi L., Fraccaroli F. & Battistelli A. (2008). Organizational socialization of women in the Italian army:
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Journal of Workplace Learning, 20 , p. 327-347.
[A] Savadori L., Graffeo M., Bonini N., Lombardi L., Tentori K., & Rumiati R. (2007). Rebuilding consumer trust in the context of a food
crisis. In Siegrist M., Earle T. C., Gutscher H. (Eds.).
Trust in cooperative risk management, uncertainty and scepticism in the public mind. London: Earthscan.
[P] Van Mechelen I., Lombardi L., & Ceulemans E., (2007). Hierarchical classes modeling of rating data.
Psychometrika, 72, 475-488.
[P] Pastore M., Lombardi L., & Mereu F. (2007). Effects of malingering in self-report measures: A scenario analysis approach. In C. H. Skiadas (Ed.).
Recent Advances in Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis. Singapore: World Scientific Pub. Co.
(Personal copy pdf) (publisher web site).
[C] Lombardi L. & Sartori G. (2007). Models of relevant cue integration in name retrieval.
Journal of Memory and Language, 57, 101-125.
[C] Sartori G., Gnoato F., Mariani I., Prioni S., & Lombardi L. (2007). Semantic relevance, domain specificity and the sensory/functional theory of category specificity.
Neuropsychologia, 45, 966-976.
[P] Lombardi L., Ceulemans E., & Van Mechelen I. (2006). K-centroids hierarchical classes analysis. Technical Report 0352, IAP Statistics Network - Interuniversity Attraction Pole (
[C] Sartori G., Polezzi D., Mameli F., & Lombardi L. (2006). An ERP study of low and high relevance semantic features.
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[C] Lombardi L., & Sartori G. (2006). Concept similarity: an abstract relevance classes approach.
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[P] Lombardi L. & Van Mechelen I. (2005). Conjunctive prediction of an ordinal criterion variable on the basis of binary predictors.
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[P] Pastore M., & Lombardi L. (2005). Evaluating the sensitivity of goodness-of-fit indices to data perturbation: An integrated MC-SGR approach. In: J. Janssen and P. Lenca (Eds).
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[C] Sartori G., Lombardi L., & Mattiuzzi L. (2005). Semantic relevance best predicts normal and abnormal name retrieval.
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[C] Sartori G., Polezzi D., Mameli F., & Lombardi L. (2005). Feature type effects in semantic memory: An event related potentials study.
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[C] Sartori G. & Lombardi L. (2005). Double dissociations on the same stimuli.
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[P] Lombardi L., Pastore M., & Nucci M. (2004). Evaluating uncertainty of model acceptability in empirical applications: a replacement approach. In Monfort K., Oude H., Satorra A. (Ed.).
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[C] Sartori G., & Lombardi L. (2004). Semantic relevance and semantic disorders.
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[P] Lombardi L., Ceulemans E., & Van Mechelen I. (2003). A hierarchical classes approach to discriminant analysis. In Schader M., Gaul W., Vichi M. (Eds).
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[P] Lombardi L. (2000). Sviluppo di un modello formale del cambiamento comportamentale. In Vidotto G., Marchesini C. (Eds).
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[A] Pagani D. & Lombardi L. (2000). An intercultural examination of facial features communicating surprise. In Birnbaum M. (Ed), p. 169-194.
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[C] Lombardi L., Burigana L. (2000). MSA (Model of Structural Analysis): an example of formal analysis on the emotion of surprise. In Zanforlin M., Tommasi L. (Eds).
Research in perception. Padova: Logos press.